
Showing posts from July, 2018

Why Do Some People Always Get Bitten By Mosquitoes While Others Don’t?

1. You have Type O  blood Some blood types are indeed sweeter than others, metaphorically speaking. A study found that  people with Type O blood  are 83% more likely to get bitten. People with Type A blood are least likely to become mosquito prey, while those with Type B blood are kind of in the middle. In addition, 85% of people produce  a secretion that signals their blood type , making them more obvious prey for mosquitoes compared to the non-secretors, regardless of blood type. 2. You have a large body size This has to do with your metabolic rate, or the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released from your body as it burns energy.  Mosquitoes use CO2 as their primary means of identifying targets and can actually sense CO2 from up to 50 metres away! Larger people tend to exhale more  and give off more carbon dioxide, which is why  mosquitoes prefer to go for adults  over children.  Men are also more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes  compared to women, as well as  obese